Sunday, February 5, 2012

Blog Assignment 2

Did You Know? 3.0 - John H. Strange

The two "Did You Know" videos, one by John H. Strange and the other developed by Karl Fisch and Scott McLeod, give very interesting statistics of the world mainly in comparison to the United States. These facts presented focus on technology, IQ levels, and language among other interesting things as well. Strange's "Did You Know" video begins by discussing India IQ levels and number of honor students in comparison to the United States. It should not be shocking, but it did startle me how well advanced India is and how lazy we appear to be in the United States. It is quite sad. Other countries outweigh and advance us in what should be our own medicine. I found this video very interesting. It should push not just educators, but all Americans to get up and work harder.

Mr. Winkle Wakes - Mathew Needleman

The short video titled "Mr. Winkle Wakes" tells us how a little old man wakes up after his 100 year slumber to find the world completely changed. He goes out into the world to find tall buildings, machines, computers, and all sorts of technology that he has never even seen or heard of before. He then finds a school where children are sitting, listening to lectures, and taking notes just as he remembers school to be and he is more comfortable and happy.
Technology and methods of doing things are constantly changing around us every single day. We can't change that. Technology is a good thing, however using it for everything constantly is not necessary. I believe that a balance in social interaction and technological interaction is a good thing. We shouldn't rely on technology solely for everything.

Sir Ken Robinson: The Importance of Creativity

In 2006, Sir Ken Robinson had a video posted presenting the importance of creativity and how school kills it. He states that all children have tremendous creativity and it is just as important as mathematics and literacy and it should not be squandered. He also states that brilliant, creative people think they are not because what they were good at in school wasn't valued. They were benignly steered away from things they liked in school on the ground that they would never get a job doing that. It was benign advice mistaken. He says that one of the problems today is that people are frightened of being wrong and they need to grow into creativity. "If you're not prepared to be wrong, you will never come up with anything original.
I personally believe this man is a genius. He is completely correct in everything he said. People with ADHD aren't sick, they jjust think better when they move. Creativity should most definitely be nurtured in schools. It should definitely be on top of the hierarchy along with mathematics and literacy. We do need to celebrate the gift of imagination and educate the whole being! I thoroughly enjoyed watching this video and highly recommend it for not just educators, but everyone.

A Vision for 21st Century Learning

This short video argues ways of learning in the education system. It tells how students go to school and are basically just fed a bunch of facts to know and are then sent home. As a current student, I feel I possess the credentials to say I agree. I go to school, listen to a lecture, take notes, go home to memorize the facts that I have "learned" for a test, and then I typically drop and forget them completely. If the facts are not something that I am interested in, then I forget them. It is like I never "learned" a thing at all. The video also presents a new way of learning by using resources such as a video game where students will have the ability to learn about different languages and cultures around the world. I think students would like to get more involved in something like that. They could learn and actually enjoy it.

Vicki Davis: Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts

This video shows how Vicki Davis (a teacher at a rural high school in south Georgia) is using new media tools to help children learn how to learn with all types of new technology. She is also allowing them to become more comfortable with technology. She considers herself to be a "teacherpreneur". With this technology enhanced learning environment she is also connecting her students to the rest of the world.
I think this is a great alternative to just lecture learning. I don't believe we should completely rely on technology for everything. I do believe we should use it to our advantage with balance and not abusing it. I agree that different children learn in different ways and that using only pencil and paper allows only certain students to learn. I find myself learning so much more about technology now and I am impressed.

1 comment:

  1. Katelyn,

    You have written a well thought out blog post. I enjoyed reading it and cannot wait to read more in the future!

    Be sure to add clickable links to the videos and articles you are discussing so that readers can refer to what you are talking about. Also, you need to add Alt and Title modifiers to every picture you use in blog posts. Go to the Instruction Manual under project instructions (p. 13) to find out how to do this. Lastly, you need to add a "Contact Me" and RSS feed to the EDM 310 Class Blog gadgets to your sidebar. The instructions for this are in the activities section of the Instruction Manual. If you have any problems just come by the lab and one of the lab assistants can help you out!

    Keep up the good work!

