Sunday, February 12, 2012

Blog Post 3

Technology in Special Education

In this short video, a teacher shows how she uses different types of technology in her classroom to aid her special needs students to learn more easily. In her classroom she shows a variety of students with different needs using different types of technology and programs. She shows how one of her students who normally would have to be separated from his classmates and placed in the hallway with an assistant reader because he has trouble reading now uses an iPod touch to read aloud to him in class with the rest of his classmates. She then shows other uses of technology such as using a laptop to write out sentences more easily and a program called zoomtext to make the text appear larger and easier for students to read. Overall her students appeared to really enjoy using this technology and were much more willing to learn now that it had been made easier for them.
When I lived in Mississippi, I worked in a daycare that children with special needs also attended. So, from personal experience I got to first hand see some of the technology one littler girl in particular used. She had difficulty speaking so she carried around a small computer like machine called a dynavox. I actually got to go visit her speech therapist with her once and learn how to help her use it. I believe that the dynavox is one type of technology I could incorporate into my classroom in the future if needed. This machine is personalized by her with all of the things she likes, dislikes or is personal to her so it is easier to you. With this device you are able to make entire sentences and are also able to point at pictures or words and it will speak it aloud for you. I think it is an amazing device that I could use for students with special needs.

Apple Education Apps

Through searching Apples many education applications, I found one that I may personally choose and enjoy using in my classroom one day if need be. The name of the application I found is called Proloquo2Go. This application was under language. I believe I found it interesting because it is similar to the dynavox computer I am already familiar with, only it is much cheaper. It is designed for both iPhones and iPads. It got a rating of 4 out of 5 stars and appears to be really wonderful with a lot of great reviews. It provides a full-featured augmentative and alternative communication solution for people who have difficulty speaking. I think if need be and given the monetary needs or benefits that I would use this in my classroom.

Gary Hayes Social Media Count

Gary Hayes provides us with a social media count that shows us how much activity is used in a matter of seconds, minutes, and years. The outcome you see is ridiculous. It is stunning to see in just a matter of seconds how many people have shared, joined, added, etc things to different types of social media. It shows Facebook at the top. Shows us that maybe we should all be technology savvy to keep up to speed with the general population and students as future educators. Could also show that technology is being overly used as well, especially for things that aren't necessarily beneficial to learning what we need to be learning, such as Facebook and social interaction sites that are very similar. I know as a student sitting in class that most people with their phones and laptops in class are using them more for things such as Facebook than for taking notes and learning. Technology in classrooms can be a good thing if used for the correct reasons and monitored.

Michael Wesch: A vision of Students Today

For such a short video, it shows a lot of power and a good message to both students and educators. I agree with and understand so much of what I read. As a student I feel much of their pain as well, such as spending so much money on books that I hardly even open for class and writing papers or doing assignments that are irrelevant to my major. I too will be in debt when I graduate and knowing that educators do not make as much money as I believe they should is sad. We cannot just rely on technology alone though. From an educators point of view this would make me feel pretty sad and badly. This video should make more wish to be more understanding. Both students and educators have a full load in their lives, but as an educator that is your job. As a student, we go to school to get an education to one day get a good career while trying to get and keep a job to continue to make money so we can pay to get an education. It is a lot of pressure to constantly be under. It is like having multiple jobs at once. I can honestly say though that in my favorite class this semester, there is no technology being used. My teacher knows my name and uses only a chalkboard. We use handheld tools such as compasses, rulers, and such for learning, but use no technology other than very rarely a calculator whatsoever. Technology has it's role in the classroom, but so does the teacher. We should not solely rely on one or the other. Technology has its fair share of pros and cons.


  1. Where are your comments about the materials assigned for peer editing?

    "Technology in classrooms can be a good thing if used for the correct reasons and monitored. " How do we bring that about. You will have to play your part by creating a learning environment where students enthusiastically use technologies to learn - not to entertain.

    " my favorite class this semester, " What, geometry?

  2. You made some good points in every topic you covered. I really liked how you talked about how you got to help a little girl with her disability. I also like your point about how students are using technology for stuff other then learning in the classroom. Knowing that kids do that, how can we as future educators who will be using technology in the future monitor their technology usage?
